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Tuesday, 16 February 2010

How to Eat Well and Lose Weight

The new year resolution did not seem quite so attractive after the holiday period and is now long forgotten. You now step on the scales and all they say is Ouch. You've tried the diets, the fibre diet, the protein diet, the carbs diet and the reflection in the mirror says forget that favourite swimsuit for the holiday you are thinking of. You haven't lost anything!

Well, actually you have. The first thing you lose on a diet is your sense of humour, the second is the determination, and once they are gone you are on a loser and desperation sets in.

Do not worry, there is a way out. In most people the thought of weight loss and diet creates a tense and nervous negative reaction, you are thinking I will have to cut out this or that food that I like, I will never manage it in time, for whatever the occasion is, My clothes just do not fit properly any more. You have also realised that dieting is expensive. Ludicrous prices are charged for many diet packages.

So what is the answer, quite simply, Do not Diet. You need to alter the mindset and learn how to eat well and lose weight, without starving yourself or cutting out your favourite foods. One thing not to do is to dive headlong into strenuous exercise if you are not used to it, it will do you more damage than good. Gentle exercise like a walk to start with.

So let us make a start. This works. I know it does because I use it myself and many other people have agreed. This is not a diet, it is a sensible and common sense way to lose a few inches and drop a couple of dress sizes. Introduce just one or two elements into your routine at a time, every few days and watch the pounds drop off without watching the £s disappear.

First, drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, this stimulates your digestive juices and lubricates your body. Have your tea or coffee with breakfast by all means, but if you use sugar, just cut it by half or less.
Where you can, about half an hour before a meal drink a small glass of water. Water is non-calorific, which means your body uses more calories to digest it than the item contains.

Next, and this might sound a little out of the ordinary, but if you use full size dinner plates for your meals, get smaller ones and tailor your meal size to the size of your plate. This does not mean pile it higher, but it will over a period get you used to eating slightly smaller meals.

Try not to snack between meals. If you must have something, find a fibre bar you like and eat that.

These are very small painless adjustments to your routine, but if implemented will have a positive effect and your weight loss will be obvious.

To learn more, lose weight, eat well and save money

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